Friday, May 25, 2012

Ku persembahkan Untukmu Sobat ^^

Oohh Tuhan…
Sungguh tak mau perpisahan ini tejadi tapi meski bagaimanapun semuanya harus kita lewati.
Paturay Tineung Sabtu, 21 Mey 2011
Sedih, Senang, Susah, Bahagia semuanya telah kita lewati bersama. Tak terasa waktu yang begitu lama 3tahun kini semuanya telah usai, dalam acara perpisahan di Aula Araudhah – Ma’had Al-Hasan yang kita Cintai.

Cell Phone For Children

In globalization era, communication tools already familiar such as cellular phones, even there are many children use it. Long time ago, the cell phone just for people who had a business and rich people but now the cell phone is very familiar in the variety of generation including the children. They are easily asking to their parents to buy the cell phone but their parents do not allow it because the children are too young and the parents are afraid that they will use it to negative things. Beside that there are some benefits of using cell phone for children.

School - Based Management

The term school based management is meaning of “School-based management” was the term it first appeared in the United States. When people began question the relevance of education to the demands and development of local communities. School-based management is a paradigm of education, which gives autonomy to the school level in the framework national education policy. The autonomy given to schools to manage resources and to allocate resources according to need, and is more responsive to local needs. Referring to the community in order they better understand, assist and control the management of education. The national policy is a priority of government must be made by the school. In school-based management system, schools demanded to explore independently, allocate, prioritize, control and account for both sources of empowerment to the people or the government.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

HapPy New Year ^^

Sabtu, 31 December 2011
Minggu terakhir dalam bulan December rasanya begitu menyenangkan, semua keluargaku datang ke Yogyakarta untuk menjengukku kecuali My father tak bisa ikut Ooohhh…. sungguh sedih Tuhan…:(
Minggu terakhir ini semua adik dan kakaku juga sedang menikmati liburan Sekolah semester Gasal, maka dari itu mamahku mengajaknya untuk menjengukku namun sayang pada minggu terakhir ini aku tidak ada waktu libur tepaksalah aku bolos untuk kuliah hehehehe :D
Tepatnya, Sabtu malam pukul 20.30 aku dan kakaku pergi ke Malioboro dengan mengendarai sepeda motor dan membawa sebuah kertas kecil yang menunjukan arah peta jalan ke Malbor heheeehhe … sungguh Lucu kan ?? :D Maklum aku baru beberapa bulan tinggal di Jogja hahhahaha :D

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Aku inginnn kamuuuu pulangggg kehatikuuu hahhhahha :D

Love mOm n Papa :*