Sunday, June 3, 2012

Life Skill

Life Skill is the most important skills that should have a child in a wading life. The ability to be creative and the ability to get solve the problem. Life skills to be able to live happily in any condition, responsible for his actions and is able to solve all the problems that face it, work is also in the creativity of the respective fields or in love. Someone who has a life skill also has a very strong principles, they do not want to do once the problem was there any problems they are able to overcome with these principles, life skill is very important to us.

Life skills are important, the ability to understand and control self (physical, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual abilities). In addition to proficiency in to control oneself, also in social skills. In the community is able to overcome all problems and can creativity. Maintain proficiency in the environment too, they have strong principles. Moreover in vocational skills (controlled and enjoying the work). They will feel enjoy to develop talent and creativity on the job. The importance of life skills education both in the family or the school is also very important. In the family we are able to solve various problems. For example, parents who want their children to successful as a teacher but her depressed follow the wants of his parents, when his son wanted to be the Economist. Then the child can to cope. In the education we can create an idea for a creative idea tau. For example, students who are looking for science, while they also trade on the campus as an online business, selling pulses and so on. This is what the creative call; the role of parents and teachers should support the child and can understand what his or her wishes. Certainly very benefits as a lesson and experience to wade through all of life. We can to generate adversity into something valuable in life skill called. A person who is can and has a life skill is a strong person to overcome the challenges of life. Islam considers life skill is a happy child who brought him to the Lord. A principle that must be made ​​is spiritual intelligence, the child believes in God. God is the only place he relies, when children choose a strong belief in God will be more stable emotional state. Her children have good intelligence and academic potential will also skyrocketed.

In the century more than 14 centuries has introduced the Messenger of life skill. If the present generation to memorize disappointing education but do not want to think. Prophet has long been taught that not only creative but also has the ability to problem solving and brilliant. Messenger of educate the Muslim children for intelligent life with the ability and development not only of the value or the report card. As has been described, I would like to follow his Haryanti. She was a business woman and has a creative idea that thoughts are not stopped in one direction. She had the idea very much that his business success. Aspects which he possessed not easily discouraged, and have no fear of loss of confidence and be brave. She thinks shell is a material that can be easily and cheap, as well as the state of her husband who is able to make the machine shell buttons, so it does not cost much. Then when the hard to find suitable shoppers Yanti did not despair, they continue to offer its products. The role of family and friends should be supportive and helpful to marketing; helping to increase the model will go on sale items.

In conclusion, The achievement of achieved by Yanti and Sunandi they are not dissatisfied. They want to continue the culinary business that had left behind. They will make cassava chips with various flavors, Sunandi will focus makes the engine while Yanti will focus to its marketing. They also hope to be successful culinary business like a business coconut shell.
They inspired me because it did not give up with all her work and was able to develop his ideas. When problems arise they are able to handle it and not afraid to lose because of it’s the brave stance even stronger principle. This is what life skill that we need inspiration and example for our lives. Enjoy life and be able to conquer this is not our life in the conquered.

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